Our Solutions
Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
GCC provides carrier grade global internet in the following segments:
Enterprise and Wholesale (options include full duplex, high-speed, dedicated internet access)
High-quality, high-speed dedicated Internet bandwidth options from 1Gbps to 100Gbps.
Support for IP addressing, IPv4 and IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack, DNS, BGP or static routing
Minimized network hops
Various backhaul options to extend the reach of your IP network
- Bandwidth: Dedicated bandwidth that is never oversubscribed and pooled with other customer’s capacity. GCC provides a 99.99% uptime SLA on its dedicated carrier class circuits.
- Symmetrical upload and download: GCCs dedicated internet bandwidth provides equal upload and download speeds.
- Better Response time: The GCC NOC provides real-time monitoring on all of its circuits.
- Guaranteed Bandwidth: With Dedicated Internet Access, your company is guaranteed to receive the bandwidth you purchased, 100% of the time.
- Simultaneous upload and download speeds: Dedicated Internet Access circuit, both your download and upload speed/bandwidth are always guaranteed at what ever speed you contract. I.E: you pay for 100 Mbps both upload and download will be the same.
- Better Response time: DIA circuits are priority when it comes to downtime. We want to make sure your business is always connected and productivity is never down.
SINCE 2012

Let's have a conversation
Our expert advisors ensure the timeliness, profitability, and compliance necessary to ensure production deadlines are met.
- gblconnectmedia@gblconnect.com
- +1 314 732-0830
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